
Class PdfSaveOptions

  • public class PdfSaveOptions
    extends SaveOptions

    Save options for PDF documents.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PdfSaveOptions

        public PdfSaveOptions()

        Initializes a new instance of PdfSaveOptions class with default values.

      • PdfSaveOptions

        public PdfSaveOptions(boolean overwriteExistingFile)

        Initializes a new instance of PdfSaveOptions class with overwrite flag.

        overwriteExistingFile - Flag whether to overwrite signed file with same file.
      • PdfSaveOptions

        public PdfSaveOptions(int fileFormat)

        Initializes a new instance of PdfSaveOptions class with specified output file format.

        fileFormat - Output file type PdfSaveFileFormat.
      • PdfSaveOptions

        public PdfSaveOptions(int fileFormat,
                              boolean overwriteExistingFile)

        Initializes a new instance of PdfSaveOptions class with specified output file format and overwrite flag.

        fileFormat - Output file type PdfSaveFileFormat.
        overwriteExistingFile - Flag whether to overwrite signed file with same file.
    • Method Detail

      • getFileFormat

        public final int getFileFormat()

        Gets or sets file format of signed document.

      • setFileFormat

        public final void setFileFormat(int value)

        Gets or sets file format of signed document.

      • toString

        public String toString()

        Override string conversion.

        toString in class Object