See: Description
Class | Description |
BaseIndexEventArgs |
Represents the base class of event arguments.
Event<T extends MulticastDelegate> |
This class is intended to be inherited when subscribing to events.
EventHandler<T extends BaseIndexEventArgs> |
Represents the base class of an event handler.
EventHub |
Provides index events for subscribing.
EventHubBase |
The base abstract class for event hubs.
FileIndexingEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the event of a document indexing start.
ImagePreparingEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the event of an image preparing start.
IndexErrorEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the event of index error occurred.
OperationFinishedEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the event of the indexing operation is finished.
OperationProgressEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the event of the indexing operation progress is updated.
OptimizationProgressEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the event of the indexing operation progress is updated.
PasswordRequiredEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the event that occurs when document protected by a password is indexing.
SearchPhaseEventArgs |
Represents arguments for the search phase changing events.
Enum | Description |
OperationType |
Represents an index operation type.
SearchPhase |
Represents the search phases.
The package provides classes of event arguments.