
Class RedactionDescription

  • public class RedactionDescription
    extends Object

    Represents a single change action info that performed during redaction process.

    Learn more

    • Constructor Detail

      • RedactionDescription

        public RedactionDescription(RedactionType redactionType,
                            RedactionActionType actionType,
                            String originalText)

        Initializes a new instance of RedactionDescription class without replacement information.

        redactionType - Type of data being redacted
        actionType - Action to be performed on these data
        originalText - Matched text, comment or annotation body
      • RedactionDescription

        public RedactionDescription(RedactionType redactionType,
                            RedactionActionType actionType,
                            String originalText,
                            TextReplacement replacement)

        Initializes a new instance of RedactionDescription class with replacement information.

        redactionType - Type of data being redacted
        actionType - Action to be performed on these data
        originalText - Matched text, comment or annotation body
        replacement - Replacement text, matched text and its position within original string
      • RedactionDescription

        public RedactionDescription(RedactionType redactionType,
                            RedactionActionType actionType,
                            RegionReplacementOptions imageAreaReplacement,
                            String imageDetails)

        Initializes a new instance of RedactionDescription class with image area replacement information.

        redactionType - Type of data being redacted
        actionType - Action to be performed on these data
        imageAreaReplacement - Image area replacement information
        imageDetails - Image textual description, by default it is String.Empty
    • Method Detail

      • getRedactionType

        public final RedactionType getRedactionType()

        Gets the type of document's data - text, metadata or annotations.

        The type of document's data - text, metadata or annotations.
      • getActionType

        public final RedactionActionType getActionType()

        Gets the redaction operation: replacement, cleanup or deletion.

        The redaction operation: replacement, cleanup or deletion.
      • getOriginalText

        public final String getOriginalText()

        Gets the matched text, if any expression is provided.

        The matched text, if any expression is provided.
      • getReplacement

        public final TextReplacement getReplacement()

        Gets the replacement information, can be null.

        The replacement information, can be null.
      • getImageAreaReplacement

        public final RegionReplacementOptions getImageAreaReplacement()

        Gets the replacement information for image area redactions, returns null for textual redactions.

        The replacement information for image area redactions, returns null for textual redactions.
      • getDetails

        public final String getDetails()

        Gets an optional details information for the item being redacted.

        An optional details information for the item being redacted.
      • setDetails

        public final void setDetails(String value)

        Sets an optional details information for the item being redacted.

        value - An optional details information for the item being redacted.