
Class RasterizationOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • RasterizationOptions

        public RasterizationOptions()

        Initializes a new instance.

    • Method Detail

      • getEnabled

        public final boolean getEnabled()

        Gets a value indicating whether all pages in the document need to be converted to images and put in a single PDF file. TRUE by default, set to FALSE in order to avoid rasterization.

        A value indicating whether all pages in the document need to be converted to images and put in a single PDF file. TRUE by default, set to FALSE in order to avoid rasterization.
      • setEnabled

        public final void setEnabled(boolean value)

        Sets a value indicating whether all pages in the document need to be converted to images and put in a single PDF file. TRUE by default, set to FALSE in order to avoid rasterization.

        value - A value indicating whether all pages in the document need to be converted to images and put in a single PDF file. TRUE by default, set to FALSE in order to avoid rasterization.
      • getPageIndex

        public final int getPageIndex()

        Gets the index of the first page (0-based) to convert into PDF.

        The index of the first page (0-based) to convert into PDF.
      • setPageIndex

        public final void setPageIndex(int value)

        Sets the index of the first page (0-based) to convert into PDF.

        value - The index of the first page (0-based) to convert into PDF.
      • isStartPageIndexSet

        public final boolean isStartPageIndexSet()

        Gets a value indicating whether the PageIndex property was changed (set) after its initialization.

        A value indicating whether the PageIndex property was changed (set) after its initialization.
      • getPageCount

        public final int getPageCount()

        Gets the number of pages to be converted into PDF.

        The number of pages to be converted into PDF.
      • setPageCount

        public final void setPageCount(int value)

        Sets the number of pages to be converted into PDF.

        value - The number of pages to be converted into PDF.
      • isPageCountSet

        public final boolean isPageCountSet()

        Gets a value indicating whether the PageCount property was changed (set) after its initialization.

        A value indicating whether the PageCount property was changed (set) after its initialization.
      • getCompliance

        public final PdfComplianceLevel getCompliance()

        Gets the PDF Compliance level.

        The PDF Compliance level.
      • setCompliance

        public final void setCompliance(PdfComplianceLevel value)

        Sets the PDF Compliance level.

        value - The PDF Compliance level.
      • hasAdvancedOptions

        public final boolean hasAdvancedOptions()

        Gets an indicator, which is true if advanced rasterization options are set.

        An indicator, which is true if advanced rasterization options are set.
      • addAdvancedOption

        public final void addAdvancedOption(AdvancedRasterizationOptions optionType)

        You can use this method to register an advanced rasterization option to apply.

        optionType - Provides information about the selected effect type (grayscale, border, etc.)
      • addAdvancedOption

        public final void addAdvancedOption(AdvancedRasterizationOptions optionType,
                             HashMap<String,String> parameters)

        You can use this method to register an advanced rasterization option to apply.

        optionType - Provides information about the selected effect type (grayscale, border, etc.)
        parameters - Parameters for the given effect, such as rotation angle