
Class DocumentInfo

    • Constructor Detail

      • DocumentInfo

        public DocumentInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • getFileType

        public abstract FileType getFileType()
        Gets the document type.
        Specified by:
        getFileType in interface IDocumentInfo
        An instance of FileType class that represents the type of the document.
      • getPageCount

        public abstract int getPageCount()
        Gets the total number of document pages.
        Specified by:
        getPageCount in interface IDocumentInfo
        An integer value that represents a total number of pages.
      • getRawPageCount

        public abstract int getRawPageCount()
        Gets the total number of document raw pages.

        Use getRawPageCount() property instead of getPageCount() property for raw text extraction. Some documents have different page numbers in accurate and raw text extraction modes. getPageCount() property may perform extra calculations which impacts on text extraction speed in raw mode.

        Specified by:
        getRawPageCount in interface IDocumentInfo
        An integer value that represents a total number of raw pages.
      • getSize

        public abstract long getSize()
        Gets the size of the document in bytes.
        Specified by:
        getSize in interface IDocumentInfo
        An integer value that represents the size of the document in bytes.
      • getPages

        public abstract List<PageInfo> getPages()
        Gets the information about pages such as the index and page size.
        Specified by:
        getPages in interface IDocumentInfo
        A collection with instances of PageInfo classes.