
Class Metered

  • public final class Metered
    extends Object
    Provides methods to set metered key.

    In this example, an attempt will be made to set metered public and private key:

     	Metered metered = new Metered();
     	metered.setMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey");
    • Constructor Detail

      • Metered

        public Metered()
        Initializes a new instance of the Metered class.
    • Method Detail

      • setMeteredKey

        public final void setMeteredKey(String publicKey,
                                        String privateKey)

        Sets metered public and private key.

        publicKey - A public key.
        privateKey - A private key
      • getConsumptionQuantity

        public static double getConsumptionQuantity()
        Retrieves amount of MBs processed.
        A double value that represents the consumption quantity.
      • getConsumptionCredit

        public static double getConsumptionCredit()
        Retrieves count of credits consumed.
        A double value that represents the consumption credit.