
Class Metadata

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public final class Metadata
    extends Object
    implements Closeable

    Provides the main class to access metadata in all supported formats.

    • Method Detail

      • getFileFormat

        public final FileFormat getFileFormat()

        Gets the type of the loaded file (if recognized).

        The type of the loaded file if recognized; otherwise, F:GroupDocs.Metadata.FileFormat.Unknown.
      • getRootPackage

        public final RootMetadataPackage getRootPackage()

        Gets the root package providing access to all metadata properties extracted from the file.

        The root package providing access to all metadata properties extracted from the file.

        Learn more

        This example demonstrates how to traverse the whole metadata tree for a specific file regardless of the format.

         public static void run() {
             try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.JpegWithXmp)) {
                 displayMetadataTree(metadata.getRootPackage(), 0);
         private static void displayMetadataTree(MetadataPackage metadata, int indent) {
             if (metadata != null) {
                 String stringMetadataType = String.valueOf(metadata.getMetadataType());
                 System.out.printf("%" + (stringMetadataType.length() + indent) + "s%n", stringMetadataType);
                 for (MetadataProperty property : metadata) {
                     String stringPropertyRepresentation = "Name: " + property.getName() + ", Value: " + property.getValue();
                     System.out.printf("%" + (stringPropertyRepresentation.length() + indent + 1) + "s%n", stringPropertyRepresentation);
                     if (property.getValue() != null) {
                         switch (property.getValue().getType()) {
                             case MetadataPropertyType.Metadata:
                                 displayMetadataTree(property.getValue().toClass(MetadataPackage.class), indent + 2);
                             case MetadataPropertyType.MetadataArray:
                                 displayMetadataTree(property.getValue().toArray(MetadataPackage.class), indent + 2);
         private static void displayMetadataTree(MetadataPackage[] metadataArray, int indent) {
             if (metadataArray != null) {
                 for (MetadataPackage metadata : metadataArray) {
                     displayMetadataTree(metadata, indent);
      • getRootPackageGeneric

        public final <TRoot extends RootMetadataPackage> TRoot getRootPackageGeneric()

        Gets the root package providing access to all metadata properties extracted from the file.

        Learn more

        The root package providing access to all metadata properties extracted from the file.

        TRoot: The exact type of the root package.

      • findProperties

        public final IReadOnlyList<MetadataProperty> findProperties(Specification specification)

        Finds the metadata properties satisfying a specification. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.

        specification - A function to test each metadata property for a condition.

        Learn more

        This example demonstrates how to search for specific metadata properties using tags.

         // Constants.InputPptx is an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\source.pptx"
         try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputPptx)) {
             // Fetch all the properties satisfying the predicate:
             // property contains the name of the last document editor OR the date/time the document was last modified
             IReadOnlyList<MetadataProperty> properties = metadata.findProperties(
                     new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getPerson().getEditor()).or(new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getTime().getModified())));
             for (MetadataProperty property : properties) {
                 System.out.println(String.format("Property name: %s, Property value: %s", property.getName(), property.getValue()));
        A collection that contains properties from the package that satisfy the condition.
      • updateProperties

        public final int updateProperties(Specification specification,
                                          PropertyValue value)

        Updates known metadata properties satisfying a specification. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.

        specification - A specification to test each metadata property for a condition.
        value - A new value for the filtered properties.

        Please note that GroupDocs.Metadata implicitly checks the type of each filtered property. It's impossible to update a property with a value having an inappropriate type.

        Learn more

        This example demonstrates how to update existing metadata properties by various criteria regardless of the file format.

         public class UpdatingMetadata {
             public static void run() {
                 Date threeDaysAgo = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(3));
                 File folder = new File(Constants.InputPath);
                 for (File file : folder.listFiles()) {
                     try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(file.getAbsolutePath())) {
                         if (metadata.getFileFormat() != FileFormat.Unknown && !metadata.getDocumentInfo().isEncrypted()) {
                             // Update the file creation date/time if the existing value is older than 3 days
                             int affected = metadata.updateProperties(new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getTime().getCreated()).and(
                                     new OfTypeSpecification(MetadataPropertyType.DateTime)).and(
                                     new UpdatingMetadata().new DateBeforeSpecification(threeDaysAgo)), new PropertyValue(new Date()));
                             System.out.println(String.format("Affected properties: %s", affected));
                    + "output." + FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()));
             // Define your own specifications to filter metadata properties
             public class DateBeforeSpecification extends Specification {
                 public DateBeforeSpecification(Date date) {
                 public final Date getValue() {
                     return auto_Value;
                 private void setValue(Date value) {
                     auto_Value = value;
                 private Date auto_Value;
                 public boolean isSatisfiedBy(MetadataProperty candidate) {
                     Date date = candidate.getValue().toClass(Date.class);
                     if (date != null) {
                         return date.before(getValue());
                     return false;
        The number of affected properties.
      • removeProperties

        public final int removeProperties(Specification specification)

        Removes metadata properties satisfying a specification.

        specification - A specification to test each metadata property for a condition.

        Learn more

        This example demonstrates how to remove specific metadata properties using various criteria.

         public class RemoveMetadataProperties {
             public static void run() {
                 // Constants.InputDocx is an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\source.docx"
                 try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputDocx)) {
                     // Remove all the properties satisfying the predicate:
                     // property contains the name of the document author OR
                     // it refers to the last editor OR
                     // the property value is a string that is equal to the given string "John" (to remove any mentions of John from the detected metadata)
                     int affected = metadata.removeProperties(
                             new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getPerson().getCreator()).or(
                                     new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getPerson().getEditor())).or(
                                     new OfTypeSpecification(MetadataPropertyType.String).and(new RemoveMetadataProperties().new WithValueSpecification("John"))));
                     System.out.println(String.format("Properties removed: %s", affected));
             // Define your own specifications to filter metadata properties
             public class WithValueSpecification extends Specification {
                 public WithValueSpecification(Object value) {
                 public final Object getValue() {
                     return auto_Value;
                 private void setValue(Object value) {
                     auto_Value = value;
                 private Object auto_Value;
                 public boolean isSatisfiedBy(MetadataProperty candidate) {
                     return candidate.getValue().getRawValue().equals(getValue());
        The number of affected properties.
      • addProperties

        public final int addProperties(Specification specification,
                                       PropertyValue value)

        Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specification. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.

        specification - A specification to test each metadata property for a condition.
        value - A value for the picked properties.

        Learn more

        This example demonstrates how to add some missing metadata properties to a file regardless of its format.

         File folder = new File(Constants.InputPath);
         for (File file : folder.listFiles()) {
             try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(file.getAbsolutePath())) {
                 if (metadata.getFileFormat() != FileFormat.Unknown && !metadata.getDocumentInfo().isEncrypted()) {
                     // Add a property containing the file last printing date if it's missing
                     // Note that the property will be added to metadata packages that satisfy the following criteria:
                     // 1) Only existing metadata packages will be affected. No new packages are added during this operation
                     // 2) There should be a known metadata property in the package structure that fits the search condition but is actually missing in the package.
                     // All properties supported by a certain package are usually defined in the specification of a particular metadata standard
                     int affected = metadata.addProperties(new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getTime().getPrinted()), new PropertyValue(new Date()));
                     System.out.println(String.format("Affected properties: %s", affected));
            + "output." + FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()));
        The number of affected properties.
      • setProperties

        public final int setProperties(Specification specification,
                                       PropertyValue value)

        Sets known metadata properties satisfying the specification. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well. This method is a combination of AddProperties and UpdateProperties. If an existing property satisfies the specification its value is updated. If there is a known property missing in the package that satisfies the specification it is added to the package.

        specification - A specification to test each metadata property for a condition.
        value - A new value for the filtered properties.

        Please note that GroupDocs.Metadata implicitly checks the type of each filtered property. It's impossible to set a property with a value having inappropriate type.

        Learn more

        This example demonstrates how to set specific metadata properties using different criteria.

         // Constants.InputVsdx is an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\source.vsdx"
         try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputVsdx)) {
             // Set the value of each property that satisfies the predicate:
             // property contains the date/time the document was created OR modified
             int affected = metadata.setProperties(
                     new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getTime().getCreated()).or(new ContainsTagSpecification(Tags.getTime().getModified())),
                     new PropertyValue(new Date()));
             System.out.println(String.format("Properties set: %s", affected));
        The number of affected properties.
      • sanitize

        public final int sanitize()

        Removes writable metadata properties from all detected packages or whole packages if possible. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.

        The number of affected properties.

        Learn more

        This example demonstrates how to remove all detected metadata packages/properties from a file.

         // Constants.InputPdf is an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\source.pdf"
         try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputPdf)) {
             // Remove detected metadata packages
             int affected = metadata.sanitize();
             System.out.println(String.format("Properties removed: %s", affected));
      • save

        public final void save()

        Saves all changes made in the loaded document.

        Learn more

        This example shows how to save the modified content to the underlying file.

         // Constants.InputPpt is an absolute or relative path to your document. Ex: @"C:\Docs\test.ppt"
         File outputFile = new File(Constants.OutputPpt);
         Files.copy(new File(Constants.InputPpt).toPath(), outputFile.toPath());
         try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.OutputPpt)) {
             // Edit or remove metadata here
             // Saves the document to the underlying file
      • generatePreview

        public final void generatePreview(PreviewOptions previewOptions)

        Creates preview images for specified pages.

        previewOptions - A set of options for preview generation.

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      • getDocumentInfo

        public final IDocumentInfo getDocumentInfo()

        Gets common information about the loaded document.

        An object representing common document information.

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      • close

        public void close()
        Closes the loaded document and releases any system resources associated with it.
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable