GroupDocs.Editor.Options Namespace
The GroupDocs.Editor.Options namespace provides interfaces for load and save options.
Public classDelimitedTextEditOptions
Options for loading text-based Spreadsheet documents (CSV, Tab-based etc.), that use a separator (delimiter)
Public classDelimitedTextSaveOptions
Contains options for generating and saving text-based Spreadsheet documents (CSV, Tab-based etc.), that use a separator (delimiter)
Public classEmailEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for editing documents in the different electronic mail (email) formats
Public classEmailSaveOptions
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving electronic mail (email) documents
Public classFixedLayoutEditOptionsBase
Base abstract class for the options for all documents of fixed-layout formats like PDF and XPS
Public classMobiEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for editing documents in MOBI (MobiPocket) and AZW3 formats.
Public classPdfEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for editing PDF documents
Public classPdfLoadOptions
Contains options for loading PDF documents into Editor class
Public classPdfSaveOptions
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving PDF (Portable Document Format) documents
Public classPresentationEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for editing documents of all supportable Presentation (PowerPoint-compatible) formats
Public classPresentationLoadOptions
Allows to specify custom options for loading documents of all supportable Presentation formats like PPT(X), PPTM, PPS(X) etc.
Public classPresentationSaveOptions
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving Presentation (PowerPoint-compatible) documents
Public classSpreadsheetEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for editing documents of all supportable Spreadsheet (Excel-compatible) formats
Public classSpreadsheetLoadOptions
Contains options for loading binary Spreadsheet (Cells, Excel-compatible) documents like XLS(X), ODS etc. into Editor class
Public classSpreadsheetSaveOptions
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving Spreadsheet (Excel-compliant) documents
Public classTextEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for loading plain text (TXT) documents
Public classTextSaveOptions
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving plain text (TXT) documents
Public classWordProcessingEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for editing documents of all supportable WordProcessing (Words-compliant) formats like DOC(X), RTF, ODT etc.
Public classWordProcessingLoadOptions
Contains options for loading WordProcessing (Word-compatible) documents like DOC(X), RTF, ODT etc. into Editor class
Public classWordProcessingProtection
Encapsulates document protection options for the WordProcessing document, which is generated from HTML
Public classWordProcessingSaveOptions
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving WordProcessing-compliant documents after they were edited
Public classWorksheetProtection
Encapsulates worksheet protection options, which allow to protect a worksheet in the output Spreadsheet document from modification of specified type with a specified password.
Public classXmlEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for loading XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents and converting them to the HTML
Public classXmlHighlightOptions
Contains options, that allow to customize the XML highlighting during XML-to-HTML conversion
Public classXpsEditOptions
Allows to specify custom options for editing (XML Paper Specifications) documents
Public classXpsSaveOptions
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving XPS (XML Paper Specifications) documents
Public structurePageRange
Encapsulates one page range, which can have open or closed bounds. By default is "fully open" - it includes all existing pages. Page numbering starts from 1, not from 0.
Public interfaceIEditOptions
Common interface for all options, which are responsible for document-to-HTML conversions. Declares no members.
Public interfaceILoadOptions
Common interface for all option classes, responsible for loading documents of different type formats
Public interfaceISaveOptions
Interface for all saving options for all documents types. Declares no members.
Public enumerationFontEmbeddingOptions
Font embedding options controls which font resources should be embedded into the output WordProcessing or PDF document
Public enumerationFontExtractionOptions
Font extraction options control which fonts should be extracted and from where
Public enumerationMailMessageOutput
Controls which parts of the mail message should be delivered to the output processing
Public enumerationPdfCompliance
Specifies the PDF standards compliance level
Public enumerationTextDirection
Represents 3 possible variants how to treat text direction in the plain text documents
Public enumerationTextLeadingSpacesOptions
Contains available options for leading space handling during opening plain text document (TXT)
Public enumerationTextTrailingSpacesOptions
Contains available options for trailing space handling during opening plain text document (TXT)
Public enumerationWordProcessingProtectionType
Represents all available protection types of the WordProcessing document
Public enumerationWorksheetProtectionType
Represents Spreadsheet worksheet (tab) protection types