See: Description
Interface | Description |
IConvertOptions |
Represents convert options
IPagedConvertOptions |
Represents convert options that allows conversion to perform page limitation by specifying start page and pages count
IPageMarginConvertOptions |
Represents convert options that support page margins
IPageOrientationConvertOptions |
Represents convert options that support page orientation
IPageRangedConvertOptions |
Represents convert options that support conversion of specific list of pages
IPageSizeConvertOptions |
Represents convert options that support page size
IPdfRecognitionModeOptions |
Represents convert options that control recognition mode when converting from PDF
IWatermarkedConvertOptions |
Represents convert options that allow output of conversion to be watermarked
Class | Description |
CadConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Cad type.
CommonConvertOptions<TFileType extends FileType> |
abstract generic common conversion options class.
ConvertOptions<TFileType extends FileType> |
The general conversion options class.
DataConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Data file type.
DiagramConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Diagram file type.
EmailConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Email file type.
Font |
Font settings
ImageConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Image file type.
ImageFlipModes |
Describes image flip modes.
JpegOptions |
Options for conversion to Jpeg file type.
JpgColorModes |
Describes Jpg color modes enumeration.
JpgCompressionMethods |
Describes Jpg compression modes
MarkupConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Markup file type.
NoConvertOptions |
Special convert option class, which instructs converter to copy source document without any processing
PdfConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Pdf file type.
PdfDirection |
Describes Pdf text direction.
PdfFormats |
Describes Pdf formats enumeration.
PdfFormattingOptions |
Defines Pdf formatting options.
PdfOptimizationOptions |
Defines Pdf optimization options.
PdfOptions |
Options for conversion to Pdf file type.
PdfPageLayout |
Describes Pdf page layout.
PdfPageMode |
Describes Pdf page mode
PresentationConvertOptions |
Describes options for conversion to Presentation file type.
ProjectManagementConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Project management file type.
PsdColorModes |
Defines Psd color modes enumeration.
PsdCompressionMethods |
Describes Psd compression methods.
PsdOptions |
Options for converting to Psd file type.
Rotation |
Describes page rotation enumeration
RtfOptions |
Options for conversion to RTF file type.
SpreadsheetConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to Spreadsheet file type.
TiffCompressionMethods |
Describes Tiff compression methods enumeration.
TiffOptions |
Options for conversion to TIFF file type.
WatermarkImageOptions |
Options for settings watermark to the converted document
WatermarkOptions |
Options for settings watermark to the converted document
WebpOptions |
Options for conversion to Webp file type.
WordProcessingConvertOptions |
Options for conversion to WordProcessing file type.
Enum | Description |
PageOrientation | |
PageSize | |
PdfRecognitionMode |
The GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Convert namespace provides classes to specify additional options for document conversion process.